
Why choose AR2 polycarbonate as a veterinary professional?

Mar 20, 2024 | Veterinary cages

The welfare of animals is an absolute priority for veterinary professionals. It is with this in mind that the choice of materials used for the construction of animal cages is of paramount importance.
Among the significant innovations, AR2 Polycarbonate stands out for its exceptional characteristics. At Vétérinov, we have integrated this material into the design of our cages, offering a solution that is both durable and respectful of animal welfare. This is particularly true for our Oxygen Therapy door which can be installed on our veterinary cages.

This article is a complete guide to using AR2 Polycarbonate and demonstrates why it is the preferred choice for veterinary professionals.

veterinary medicine, collaboration

What is AR2 Polycarbonate?


AR2 Polycarbonate is a synthetic material known for its extreme impact resistance, unparalleled optical clarity, and durability. It is a very resistant plastic material, unlike other materials like acrylic, which breaks more easily.

The acronym “AR2” stands for “Abrasive Resistant 2 Sides,” indicating that both sides of the material are treated to minimize scratches while maintaining crystal clear transparency. This combination of properties makes AR2 Polycarbonate an ideal choice for animal cage doors, where visibility and hygiene are paramount.

Benefits of AR2 Polycarbonate

Vision Clarity

La transparence du Polycarbonate AR2 assure une excellente visibilité pour les animaux ainsi que pour les soignants. Cette clarté contribue à réduire l’anxiété chez les animaux en leur permettant de voir leur environnement en plus de faciliter la surveillance par le personnel vétérinaire.
La sensation de prison est grandement diminuée, car l’absence de barreaux donne moins l’impression que les animaux sont gardés en cage. Cet aspect favorise un état d’esprit plus serein chez les pensionnaires, les soignants et les clients.
Grâce à sa transparence et à sa légèreté, le Polycarbonate AR2 transforme radicalement l’aspect des cages traditionnelles.


In a veterinary context, hygiene and disinfection of cages are crucial to prevent the spread of diseases. AR2 Polycarbonate is easily cleaned and resists recommended disinfectants by manufacturers without degrading. This durability ensures optimal biosecurity while preserving the clarity and structural integrity of the cages over time.

Demystifying AR2 Polycarbonate

Bien que le Polycarbonate AR2 soit réputé pour sa résistance aux rayures, aucun matériau n’est complètement à l’abri d’une altération physique. Des contacts répétés avec des objets durs ou des manipulations brusques peuvent entraîner de légères abrasions sur la surface.

Cependant, même en cas d’impacts mineurs tels que des éraflures, la transparence du polycarbonate AR2 reste exceptionnelle. Il se distingue par sa capacité à garder sa clarté, même lors de nettoyages fréquents, contrairement au polycarbonate standard et à d’autres matériaux qui ont tendance à devenir flous avec le temps. Sa durabilité exceptionnelle minimise le besoin de remplacements fréquents, rendant le Polycarbonate AR2 économique sur le long terme. Cette caractéristique est cruciale dans un contexte vétérinaire où l’équipement est souvent nettoyé et où la surveillance constante des animaux est essentielle pour leur bien-être et leur sécurité

De plus, cette résistance accrue aux dommages superficiels assure une hygiène impeccable, car les surfaces lisses et non poreuses n’offrent pas de refuge aux bactéries et aux virus. Cette propriété est fondamentale pour prévenir les contaminations croisées dans les établissements vétérinaires, où la propreté est primordiale.
En somme, le Polycarbonate AR2 transcende les attentes en matière de performance et de durabilité pour les cages d’animaux. Contrairement à d’autres matériaux semblables ou au polycarbonate standard, le AR2 a des propriétés avantageuses sur le long terme. Ses caractéristiques remarquables, liées à sa résistance aux désinfectants et à son entretien aisé, en font le matériau de prédilection pour les professionnels vétérinaires.

Recommendations for Cleaning and Maintenance

The longevity and performance of AR2 Polycarbonate cage doors largely depend on adequate maintenance practices. To preserve its optimal state, it is crucial to adopt cleaning methods that respect its unique properties.
It is advisable to use non-abrasive cleaners such as mild soap to maintain an optimal condition. To disinfect this material, it is recommended to use diluted isopropyl alcohol with water or a hydrogen peroxide-based cleaner. These products ensure effective cleaning without compromising the integrity of the Polycarbonate.
It is imperative to prohibit the use of solvents or acids and not to scrub the surface with hard brushes or metal sponges High-pressure washing should not be used to clean the surface. These guidelines must be followed to the letter, as improper maintenance of the material could cause scratches or dull the clarity.

For optimal maintenance, here are some additional steps to consider:

  1. Regular cleaning: Regular maintenance prevents the accumulation of dirt and debris, which can make cleaning more laborious in the long term and potentially damage the surface.
  2. Rinsing with soft water: After applying cleaners, it is advisable to rinse the surfaces with soft water to remove any cleaning product residue that could alter the material.
  3. Careful drying: Use microfiber cloths or soft paper towels to dry the surfaces after rinsing. This avoids water stains and maintains the transparency of the Polycarbonate.
  4. Regular inspection: Periodically examine the cages for any signs of damage or wear. Early detection of problems allows for quick intervention before more severe damage occurs.
  5. Use of surface protectors: Some products are designed to strengthen the resistance of Polycarbonate to scratches and impacts. Periodic application of these protectors can prolong the lifespan and aesthetic appearance of your equipment.

By following these recommendations, you not only prolong the life of your AR2 Polycarbonate cages but also ensure impeccable hygiene and perfect visibility. his contributes to the welfare of the housed animals and facilitates the work of the caregiving staff, allowing them to easily observe the animals without disturbance. Adopting these maintenance practices demonstrates a commitment to the quality of care and respect for animals in your veterinary establishment.

AR2 Polycarbonate represents a major advance

AR2 Polycarbonate represents a major advance in the design of animal cages. Its clarity, resistance, and ease of maintenance make it the ideal choice for veterinary clinics concerned about animal welfare and biosecurity.

At Vétérinov, we are proud to offer innovative solutions that meet the needs of veterinary professionals and their patients By choosing cages equipped with AR2 Polycarbonate doors, you invest in a safer and more comfortable environment for animals and facilitate the work of the caregiving staff.